1/95 - 2003 EuroVan Automatic transmission service kit with fluid
World's finest parts & accessories for large and mid sized vans and campers
1/95 - 2003 EuroVan Automatic transmission service kit with fluid
EuroVan transmission service kit with fluid

1/95 - 2003 EuroVan Automatic transmission service kit with fluid

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Your Price: $92.40
Retail Price:$203.04
Your Savings:$110.64(54%)
1/95 - 2003 EuroVan Automatic transmission service kit
Part Number: 098398009A-Kit
Availability: Usually ships by the next business day

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1/95 - 2003 build dates. If you own a 1995 EuroVan, check the sticker inside the driver's door jamb for your build date. EuroVan automatic transmission service kit. Includes filter, gasket, bolt inserts and 4 liters of VW approved synthetic automatic transmission fluid.  Fluid is Febi or Rowe German brand.

Usually ships by the next business day. Please allow an additional 1-5 business days for delivery to most US locations.

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